Your chosen path will determine the careers that your hero can learn throughout their adventures. A hero can only be trained in one career at a time, but they can swap careers any time they wish, providing you have found the relevant trainer or reward item. Some example careers include:
- Book One - Book Two - Book Three - Book Four -
Like all Wiccan, the brigands embrace the magic of the shroud, calling on its dark energies to aid them against the Church. As protectors of the tribe, these savage fighters paint their bodies before battle, using the blood of the wytchwood tree to coat themselves in runes. Once battle is joined, such magic fills the warrior with a frenzied bloodlust, focusing their strength into devastating attacks, whilst warding them against the magics of the enemy.
Trading subtlety for strength, the pariah employs a fighting style known as dubhail dorn (the double punch), using weighted daggers to smash through enemies' defences. To this end, their sgain daggers rely on the full force of the arm and shoulder, becoming brutal extensions of the pariah’s own fists. The style may lack finesse, but seeing these agile rogues dance across the battlefield, there is no doubting their guile is as sharp as their blades.
Nature is a fickle force, both cruel and kind. The Wiccan understand this, having been driven from their ancestral homes by the Church to live off what only the harsh land can provide. For their mages, one of its most vital resources is magic. The ancient ley lines course with mystic energies, which the druids have learnt to channel, gifting them with the power of healing - and the means to wreak vengeance on their embittered enemies.
The brothers of the Monastery have dedicated their lives to the teachings of Saint Allam, a prophet who brought the One God’s light to the Holy Lands. He commanded his warriors to forsake their blades, granting them fists of light to smite their foes with holy vengeance. The monks are sworn to uphold Allam’s legacy, inscribing their fists with hallowed scripture whilst training both mind and body to master the meditative fighting techniques of Hun-Bo.
The pilgrim follows in the footsteps of the disciples, seeking out the temples and shrines that venerate the doctrine of the One God. Such a calling will lead these travellers down many a dark road, but while the dangers may test their faith, the pilgrim’s weapons are their steely resolve. Relics of the saints provide potent protections, whilst the pilgrim’s inscribed blades serve as a record of their spiritual journey, granting rare enchantments and miracles.
The Church believes that the inner kha - the soul - is a gift from their god; the light to overcome the darkness. Each and every child is born with this divine power but only those who are prepared to submit to the training can learn its secrets. The acolyte is a shining example of such devotion, having kindled their inner kha into a fire of zealous fervour - all the better to serve the One God and protect others from the evils of the world.
The drakes rose up out of the underworld along with the other misshapen creatures of Hel, born out of some dark union between dragon and demon. By stealing a drake’s eggs, the dwarves soon discovered that they could raise and breed these fearsome creatures – cultivating their hearts to gift to their chosen warriors. The heart was a vessel for the drake's kha, allowing the warriors to transform themselves into a similar force of fire and fury.
The Lamuri refer to it as ‘ojo canto’, the ability to charm the deadly snakes of the jungle and bend them to a master’s will. But first, one must lay claim to a scale from an ancestral serpent. No easy task, even for the bravest of heroes, as there is only one that is still spoken of amongst the hunters of the Terral Jungle – Kaala the Deceiver. The great snake who was once a queen, before betrayal led her down a path of venomous revenge.
King Hanuman was the first Lamuri king to break his pact with the ancestor spirits and turn, instead, to the rune lore of the dwarves. He believed that by binding the energies of the shroud within tablets of stone, he could unlock immortality for himself and his people. The magic was dangerous and volatile; only the runecasters proved mastery of the art, invigorating their strength and sorcery through the trapped essence of their bound demons.