
Phoenix rises from the ashes

Posted by M J Ward on 18 December 2019

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I think it’s fair to start off with an apology. An apology for this year. That might sound odd as I finally released Book IV of the DestinyQuest saga – The Raiders of Dune Sea – in my opinion the crowning glory of my game writing so far. But I am sure, as fans and kickstarter backers are aware, it was a tough process – with me unfortunately falling foul of a disreputable publisher, who – despite my best efforts (and money) to rectify and fulfil promises – still decided it was okay to burn me in the end.

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Share your hero competition!

Posted by M J Ward on 17 April 2019

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The Raiders of Dune Sea, the fourth instalment in the DestinyQuest saga, is now available from online retailers. As readers across the globe are now getting their copies and starting to play through the content, battling monsters, raiding tombs and hunting out that cool loot, I thought it would be fun to run a little competition.

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Backing tracks - and other goodies

Posted by M J Ward on 4 March 2019

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Thanks to the amazing support of fans during the Kickstarter campaign, a number of stretch goals were unlocked, including two special backing tracks to accompany the Raiders of Dune Sea. These two stunning soundscapes have been composed by DQ fans, Ben van Gastel and Antal Nusselder – who together form My Endless Y (

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Book IV available for pre-order

Posted by M J Ward on 19 February 2019

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The long wait is almost over. Book Four of the DestinyQuest series finally takes to the desert in the next exciting installment of this epic gamebook series. 

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Book Four Kickstarter update

Posted by MJW on 11 October 2018

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Just to keep everyone in the picture with latest developments – I have now employed a professional typesetter to complete the paperback and hardback versions of the book. This was a decision that was made after I reviewed the final PDF provided by Megara, and found that there were some significant issues with the layout. DestinyQuest is a complex book to layout due to many of its design components, and I feel Megara did the best that they could, but ultimately I felt that the book was falling short of the standards set by previous editions.

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