Share your hero competition!
The Raiders of Dune Sea, the fourth instalment in the DestinyQuest saga, is now available from online retailers. As readers across the globe are now getting their copies and starting to play through the content, battling monsters, raiding tombs and hunting out that cool loot, I thought it would be fun to run a little competition.
Readers of previous books have enjoyed sharing their heroes online via the forums of this website – as an opportunity to show off their awesome hero builds and also see what others have achieved in the creation of their heroes.
Therefore I have decided to run a competition linked to the ‘share your hero’ theme, inviting readers who have completed The Raiders of Dune Sea to share their hero online. Anybody sharing their hero between now and 1 June, will be eligible for a prize draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.
To enter:
1. Once you have completed the book, visit the ‘Post your hero’ section of the forums, log in (or register) and create a new entry.
2. Enter in the information for your hero:
- Name
- Path
- Career
- Stats
- Equipment (this can include vault equipment)
- Abilities
- Faction reputations
3. Click ‘post’ and your hero will now be on show to wow and amaze!
Once the competition is closed, I will randomly pick one of the heroes that has been submitted to be the winner – and the winner will be announced via this site and my social media.
So, what are you waiting for? Fire up those spells and sharpen your blades, and get battling your way across the Dune Sea!
Good luck adventurers – and look forward to seeing the awesome heroes that you create!