
Ultimate Player Guide - The Heart of Fire

Posted by M J Ward on 26 December 2022

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Hello fellow adventurers!

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Mythical monsters – a colossal new addition to DestinyQuest

Posted by M J Ward on 30 November 2022

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With each new book in the series, I try and introduce some new concepts and game mechanics to keep things feeling fresh and exciting. For the upcoming Wrath of Ragnarok, the highly anticipated sequel to The Raiders of Dune Sea, the biggest new addition is mythical monsters!

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Ultimate Player Guide – The Legion of Shadow

Posted by M J W on 3 November 2022

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Thanks to the talent and dedication of one DestinyQuest superfan, I am rather proud and privileged to be able to bring you some amazing support materials to help you level up your heroes, root out all those secrets, grab that epic loot, and achieve god-level success.

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Wrath incoming – Feb 2023

Posted by MJW on 11 October 2022

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Okay, it’s been a while since I updated the official site. And I do admit I kind of rely on other social media platforms these days to relay info to interested parties. But there is also something significant and lovely about charting these milestones in DQ history via the website.

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The World Companion is funded!

Posted by MJW on 26 May 2022

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The DestinyQuest World Companion launched on 17 May and within four hours was successfully funded! What's more, shortly after, it was awarded a Kickstarter 'Project We Love' medal that awards certain hand-picked creative projects. That was a great honour, as this is the first Kickstarter that I have personally planned and run. The Kickstarter is running for 30 days, until 16 June.

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