
Viewing entries tagged with 'Raiders'

Running the gauntlet - Dungeon Delves in DQ4

Posted by M J Ward on 10 September 2018

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Book Four of the DestinyQuest series introduces a new hidden quest type, the Dungeon Delve. These are especially tough challenges that follow their own special combat rules.

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DestinyQuest IV keeping on track…

Posted by M J Ward on 4 September 2018

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It’s been a while since I wrote an update for the site, so I thought it was high time I brought everyone up to date with the progress on Book IV – and give a sneaky insight into one of its new game features.

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The Raiders of Dune Sea has funded!

Posted by M J Ward on 12 February 2018

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We did it! Thanks to the amazing support of fans (both old and new!), Book Four of the DestinyQuest series is now funded! That means adventurers across the land will soon be able to embark on an epic gamebook journey into the Badlands and Dune Sea, battling monsters, hunting for rare treasures and becoming true heroes of legend.

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The Kickstarter is ALIVE!

Posted by M J Ward on 10 January 2018

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This is just a quick news update to let you know that the Book Four funding campaign is now live on Kickstarter.

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Happy New Year!

Posted by M J Ward on 1 January 2018

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I just wanted to wish DQers across the globe a very Happy New Year. There is lots of goodness in store for fans in 2018 – namely a new book coming out around August time, this time published by Megara Entertainment. There will also be a Kickstarter for the new book running from 10 January to 10 February. Be sure to check it out and pledge if you are able to – as there will be exclusive epic loot cards available!

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