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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: League of Noob

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  • Re: League of Noob

    Name: Fandango
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Witchfinder
    Stats: 16 speed, 24 Brawn, 3 Armour

    Head: Brain infusers – lightning (2 speed 3 armour)
    Cloak: Hulking shoulders – barbs (2 speed 3 brawn)
    Gloves: Reaper's fists – critical strike (1 speed 3 brawn)
    Chest: Rockspine coat – gouge (2 speed 4 brawn)
    Feet: Death blades – fatal blow (2 speed 3 brawn)
    Main hand: Shadow kris - deep wound (3 speed 5 brawn)
    Left hand: Fangs of vengos– venom (2 speed 4 brawn)
    Talisman: Tiger’s heart – cat’s speed –(1 speed)
    Necklace: Eye of shadow – haste (1 speed)
    Ring: Lupine Lapis – bleed (1 brawn)
    Ring: leader of the pack – dominate (1 brawn)

    Extra skills: Execute, Judgement, Dark claw, Snakes alive, Windwalker

  • Re: League of Noob

    Name: Bad Ash
    Path: Mage
    Career: Pyromancer
    Stats: 14 speed, 26 magic, 5 armour

    Head: Morgue – leech (2 speed 4 magic)
    Cloak: Slipstream silks – surge (3 speed 2 magic)
    Gloves: Bracelet of fire– embers (1 speed 3 magic)
    Chest: Slipstream gown – overload (2 speed 4 magic)
    Feet: Elemental greaves – fire aura (2 speed 2 armour)
    Main hand: Tempest’s fury – wind blast (2 speed 5 magic)
    Left hand: Torment – disease (2 speed 4 magic)
    Talisman: Core of flame – pyromancer (1 magic)
    Necklace: Diamond of tundra – piercing (1 armour)
    Ring: Wrath of ages – rust (2 magic)
    Ring: Stria of genna – shock! (1 magic 2 armour)

    Extra skills: Ignite, Burn, Bright shield, Banshees wail, Windwalker

  • Re: League of Noob

    Name: Gecko
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Thief
    Stats: 16 speed, 24 brawn, 0 armour

    Head: Gore mask – mangle (2 speed 3 brawn)
    Cloak: Patchedwork pulp – slick (2 speed 2 brawn)
    Gloves: Deft hands– steal, stun (1 speed 2 brawn)
    Chest: Brace of fury – critical strike (2 speed 3 brawn)
    Feet: Slime skimmers – webbed (2 speed 2 brawn)
    Main hand: Abandoned hope – gut ripper (3 speed 4 brawn)
    Left hand: Kraka’s vengeance – piercing, frostbite (2 speed 5 brawn)
    Talisman: Lightning whetstone– sure edge (1 speed)
    Necklace: Dreamcatcher – immobilise, charm, charm, savagery, (1 speed)
    Ring: Tangleknot– barbs +1 brawn (1 brawn 1 magic)
    Ring: Lycanth’s teeth – bleed, vanish (1 brawn)

    Extra skills: Back stab, Cutpurse, Prophecy, Demon claws, Demon spines

    Only need knockdown for my Back stab set

  • Re: League of Noob

    Name: Rushmore
    Path: Mage
    Career: Rune caster
    Stats: 14 speed, 29 magic, 4 armour

    Head:Kraka’s crown – command (2 speed 5 magic)
    Cloak: Drakeskin epaulets – backdraft (2 speed 4 magic)
    Gloves: Gloves of the firmament– resolve (1 speed 4 magic)
    Chest: Titan forge hauberk – thorn armour (2 speed 3 armour)
    Feet: Ixion’s shackles – immobilise (2 speed 3 magic)
    Main hand: Oculus – lightning, focus (2 speed 5 magic)
    Left hand: B for banshee – windblast (2 speed 4 magic)
    Talisman: Lichstone– rune caster (1 magic)
    Necklace: Obsidian shard – piercing, wisdom, vanish (1 speed)
    Ring: Harvester – regrowth, charm, heal +1 magic (2 brawn 2 magic)
    Ring: Abyssal firestone – fire aura (1 armour 2 health)

    Extra skills: Refresh, Magic tap, Prophecy, Demon claws, Demon spines

  • Re: League of Noob

    * that took forever

  • Re: League of Noob

    Some nice characters there. You like Witchfinders and Pyromancer's it seems!

    So far my favourite career of all that I've played across both books is the Necromancer. I've played an Alchemist, Pickpocket, Shadowstalker, Pyromancer, Necromancer, Gladiator, Brigand, Drake, Pilgrim, Venommancer and I am currently playing a Ranger for the first time.

    Did you not have a Warrior to share at all or did you never wish to play that path?

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