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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Lothar - DQ3

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  • Re: Lothar - DQ3

    Almost the end of the world!
    Such an awesome book.

    only a little doubt (translation/comprehension) about this curse: Curse of Frailty (pa).
    It is a passive ability and i lower my health by 5; until i roll a double.

    Once i rolled a double, am i cured? or it happens every combat?
    I am playing it every combat, it is right?

  • Re: Lothar - DQ3

    Once you roll a double, you are cured of the curse!

  • Re: Lothar - DQ3

    good! i misunderstood it

    My last attempt to play as a warrior (DQ4) was afflicted by doomed dice rolls!

    Now i have only 1 speed ability (during Act 1 i had 3), so i must rely on passive abilities and counter-attacks when i lose combat rounds; so far it is working great.
    favorite combo: Furious Sweep (co) + Gut Ripper (mo)

    a "coffee-break" with Hal Arbuckle (623) and then ready for the Hardest quest.

  • Re: Lothar - DQ3

    Epic fight vs. Melusine (section 154):

    i don't have the Fimbulwinter i am taking a lot of damages in 3 rounds: 31! but i am doing also big damages with my combat abilities: overpower, spectral claws, deep wound, the might of stone reduces her hits and i heal my wounds the best i can.
    my passive abilities do 5 damages/round, Melusine is constantly hit by barbs and thorns...bleeding infected with a mortal disease! Dance for me witch!
    i decide to use my speed ability: curse, i win the 4th round. i summon the power of the wargs thanx to my special ability warg strike! it's a blood-bath, i do 19 damages.
    Melusine is enraged, her petrifying gaze almost annihilated me...17 damages.
    i don't give up, not after what she did to Anise...Vengeance is mine.
    i drink the elixir of swiftness, i am the leader of the bear tribe, i am bearclaw, I AM NANUK!
    I unleash all my Storm Carl powers, a lethal Spin Shot kills the damned witch.

    How cool is this book?

  • Re: Lothar - DQ3

    Ha ha, that sounds like an awesome combat. And proves that you can always make a viable build out of any abilities and luck you have been given. So happy for you getting through that combat!

    May have said this before, so could be sounding like a broken record, but I am constantly encouraging people to post reviews on Amazon. So you may have done so - if not - always appreciated!

    Good luck against the end boss!

  • Re: Lothar - DQ3

    Nidhogg was seriously wounded in the Battle against Seethe.
    I let him heal his wounds and recover.
    I summoned Naglfar, as support, but i defeated Jormungdar in 12 rounds without its help. Amazing book! "Happy ending" with Queen Anise on my side.
    This book has so many great supporting characters.

    I wanted to try the glaciator career, maybe next time.

    Review written, awaiting to be published on Amazon (i mentioned also upcoming italian version of LoS!).
    Hope that these difficult times will be gone by this autumn.

    Now i wanna play the Team Battle vs. Nordrassil with a Hero (randomly chosen) of a player from this forum.
    He is the lucky one, Simeon The Scholar by Rougie!

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