Re: Legion of Shadows Tank
5 July 2017 at 4:08pm
I chosen gladiator because blood rage and headbutt fit in well with what I was going for. I did not attempt the dragon. He was scurry.
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5 July 2017 at 4:08pm
I chosen gladiator because blood rage and headbutt fit in well with what I was going for. I did not attempt the dragon. He was scurry.
5 July 2017 at 9:50pm
Challenge Caeleb in the training yard. A tough fight, but if you beat him, he'll show you some moves.
7 July 2017 at 12:58am
Also, while it's a bit late now, if you play things right with the dice player in Act 1, you can get more money than you can spend in the game, allowing you to get all the potions/equip you can use.
For my part, I went with a Mage/Alchemist into Act 2 with the idea of eventually going after SnapJaw and that corrupted seed pod. I can trade that in for what is effectively a 6th Backpack space to use for potions.
7 July 2017 at 2:37am
I never looked closely at the results, but I can see how you could win money against the gambler. When you have to put up more money for a second roll, and you've figured out which sections give you an advantage, you can bet more money then. I remember in the first Fabled Lands book, there's a gambling den where the odds are in your favor. Sometimes you'll hit a bad streak and lose everything, but more often than not, you can make unlimited money.
I also recently went the Mage/Alchemist route and got the Field Kit. Not only did I get 30gp every time I switched equipment, I also found Hal's camera and swapped it for his Gold Dectector. I got 400gp from the fire giant alone, and had over 2,300gp to spend at Waldo's.
7 July 2017 at 9:24am
That's really the key, the second roll. It's also good to go into the dice with 100+ gold so getting to the big money doesn't take forever. On the first roll, bet 1 and roll the die. If the roll is a 2-3, bet 1 again. If it's a 4, you can bet a tenth to maybe a quarter of your current stash. If it's a 5, go ahead and bet up to half your current stash. I admit that sometimes I've broken those rules and ended up rich pretty quickly, effectively doubling my stash on 5 rolls, but I've lost everything when that 6 did come up plenty of times too.
10 July 2017 at 10:15pm
So going into the final battle:
Spiked Bone Guards +2 sp +2 ar piercing
Rumrod Helm +1 sp +2 ar Haste
Banded Bracers +2 br +2 arm Regrowth
Grim Reaper +3 sp +5 br Brutality
Breatplate of the Bull +3 br +2 ar Charge
Dark Tower +2 sp +4 ar Impale
Dark Therapy +1 sp Regrowth
Barbarous Boots +2 sp +3 br Savagery
Beetle Shell Necklace +1 sp Charm
Magpie's Ring +1 ar Steal
Ring of the Marshes +1 br +1 ar Swamplegs
I am a cavalier with a Speed of 12, Brawn of 14, and Armour of 14. I did not trade out a lot of items as there was not much to improve armour in act 3, so i only traded items where my armour was the same but it upped another stat.
Unfortunately here is where my journey ends. I could not take on any of the Legendary Monsters. A lot in this Act either goes through, armour or damages armour, so my advantage is gone and it doesnt look like ill even make it past the first monster in the boss fight, let alone the whole thing. This is a little disappointing because the reason I decided to play a tank is i have the worst luck in the world when i roll. I mean i will lose 5-6 rounds in a row (and not just due to the speed variance, I will roll under a 4 every. single. time), and i was hoping to try and negate that by holding off some hits. But as i said there isnt really improving armour past my 14 at this point, i think the ice monster could bring it up to 16 but there is no way i can take on all 4 pillars and then the ice mage when i take 4 damage every round, and the monsters all have enough strength to make my armour be worthless anyways.
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