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509 Posts in 105 Topics by 107 members

Topic: Puzzles

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  • Re: Puzzles

    Hey all,

    When I was playing I used the tips you guys provided to solve the puzzle on page 456 and I reached the number 397 as answer. So, I went to that reference and it made sense at first, you know, opening a chest and finding some items, but when I kept playing, I realized that I wasn't in the same quest anymore (green one). Later I realized that reference 397 is part of the blue quest in act 2. So I suppose that 397 is the answer to some puzzle in the blue quest. But I checked my calculations again and I couldn't find any mistake.

    So, please, can someone confirm if my solution is wrong or if there is a continuation problem in the book? Thanks!

  • Re: Puzzles

    That's the wrong answer I'm afraid ;)

  • Re: Puzzles

    Analander I think I see your problem. You need to apply the modifier to all the numbers not just the one you are missing. I think you are using the modifier on the missing one only. ??

  • Re: Puzzles

    Thanks, Boss, I'm in the beginning of act 2 with my new hero, I just did the quest again and got it! Stabby, yes, the problem is about the modifiers. 397 is the right number after you apply the modifiers to all numbers on the table to make the summations work. But the right number has no modifiers, so you have to subtract them back.

  • Re: Puzzles

    Ok, just came across this one and I want to make sure I have the right idea. Taking the first row: 29\9 | 5 | star | blank | 6
    We need to figure out how these add up to 9 with the modifier? And one of those numbers is the missing star?
    I guess where I'm confused is that you guys are saying to add a number. But in this case, I subtract 1 from 5 and 6 to get 4 and 5 which add up to 9. I'm not seeing how I can add anything to these numbers to get 9.
    And if this is too much spoiler, sorry. I can delete it, if this is deemed too spoilery.

  • Re: Puzzles

    Without been able to look at the book I'll go off memory for this one. If the number that you are making on the first row is 10 and you are given 3 and a missing number. The 3 becomes a 4 (+1) so the missing number is 5 (+1 makes it a 6).
    I didn't find it that hard once you know that other than the totals each number has +1 or +2 or +3 based on what row you find it.

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