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2140 Posts in 320 Topics by 278 members

Topic: Loot Card Archive

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  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    Three years late, but I finally have this updated.

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    But how do you use them, on the digital version? You just equip them when conditions are met? Or they are not available in the digital format?

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    @Anjin - ha ha, better late than never!

    @Crazyfroggg - the cards have always been promotional items, made available when a book was launched. They are items of equipment that you can equip when you meet the criteria on the card. They are purely optional and not essential. If you order Raiders of Dune Sea from the Matador website (see link on the BUY page), then they are still giving away the six Dune Sea loot cards with every order. (If you visit the DestinyQuest Facebook page, I recently uploaded a pic of these.)

    If I finally end up doing a Kickstarter for Book Five, then I may make some card sets available again as stretch goals.

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    Ah, I see. Figured it was something like that, that's why I wondered if they apply to the digital version also. I guess they do, if you have them physically.
    Well, they're not mandatory but they sure seem to make things easier.

    Looking forward to any KS from you, your 1st book introduced me to this genre, and loving it! I'm a veteran boardgame player, who also enjoys reading a lot. Who thought the mix would be so interesting?
    Thanks for the clarification!

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    Sigh, unfortunately some of the pics for the LoS loot cards (the 2 epic and the promo) are unavailable... I doubt someone still had that pics, right?

  • Re: Loot Card Archive

    I own all the cards! I can also upload them, but I would only do so if Michael would give me permission to do so. because I don't know if I would break a copyright right now!

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