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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

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  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Thanks, Shadowsam! I'll let Sydney know about Waldo to start Act 3. She loves getting more loot!
    In regards to the Legendary monsters - we've had to pick and choose what to film each episode because we really could make this series 40+ episodes or more if we really wanted. And while that would be great, I do have convention commitments this spring, summer and fall. I know that once spring comes around my free time to film, edit, post, etc will become less and less. My goal is to have season 1 all wrapped up by April in time for our first convention. That would put season 1 around the 24-25 episode mark I hope.
    I came up with the idea for this series for 2 reasons - 1. Because these books are just terrific and more people need to know about them. 2. A project for us to keep us busy during the slower winter months here.
    What I didn't anticipate was filming, editing, post work, etc. These episodes take a lot more time to create than they started out and, while I don't mind that it takes me longer getting them out, a week at a time is sometimes a challenge because of life events and real world responsibilities. Also I didn't know much about film editing when I started this project and it's been a learning process for me as we keep going through the series.
    Just to explain the process a little: what appears as 35-45 minutes is actually close to a couple hours of filming and a full evening's worth of editing (and adding sound fx if you watched this week's episode). Again, I'm not complaining. I'm just explaining the process.
    Then you have a situation like last Thursday where I hit the upload to YouTube button as soon as I got home from work and three times halfway through the upload process (which takes several hours) it fails to upload so I was up until 12:30AM getting it on YouTube.
    Then there has been some other personal things that have been going on while filming this season that I've tried not to effect the uploading schedule. Which maybe I'll let viewers know about when we film the finale. Let's just say last November and January were hard months for our family.
    All of this is just my way saying - while we'd love to cover everything in LoS we just can't. Also it's my way of also explaining to you all that when you watch an episode and we say we really appreciate you watching, we do, because this series is something that we put a lot of work on. Every time an episode gets more views or "likes" it really means a lot to us.

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Point made! Yes it is easy to forget all the work involved. Appreciate it as I enjoy watching!

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    This week we start Act 3. We familiar ourselves with the camp, get some information and challenge one of the trainers to a fight. Will our new skills come in handy as we set off into The Bone Fields?!
    Episode 18: "Act 3 Begins"

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Programming alert! No new Page Flippers this week. Sydney has school vacation and she has been busy at friends' houses. We'll resume again next week. This will give everyone a chance to catch up on our first episode of act 3 and vote on which quest we should do the following episode. Thanks!

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    We're a day early! Our 19th episode is up! Find out why "no one puts Azula in the corner" in the second half of the first quest of Act 3. It's an episode we're calling "Dirty Necrodancing". Enjoy!

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    So just a brief update on what's been going on here since as you may have noticed there hasn't been any new Page Flippers episodes added in the last few weeks - let me start by saying back in November we lost my aunt to cancer after her third flight with it. I kind of alluded to this back on one of the episodes then but I didn't really explain what was going on. After my aunt passed my grandmother (her mother) wasn't the same and the first week of January she fell and broke her foot. We were trying to keep her spirits up and tried to get her to rehab and get back going but she really wasn't having much of it and she passed in her sleep a few weeks back. On top of all of this I had been contracted out to stream events for stores locally the last few weekends and the timing was not been ideal but I honored those commitments. So all of this is just to state - we will be resuming episodes of Page Flippers once all the family that has flown and driven in has dispersed and things are back to normal. I know the episodes haven't been getting uploaded with the regularity that they were and I am really sorry for that. I appreciate everyone who has supported the series. We should be back on track here shortly.

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