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Topic: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

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  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    I'll have to double check the totals. I'd like to have that brawn up a point or 2 more.
    As of right now we have the following abilities:
    First cut
    Charm X2

    There might be more but I know those off the top of my head.

    Also has anyone watched that last session? Is it any better/worse than the few previously. I tried to cut out some of the "dead" space, added a title sequence and an end card. I have a much better camera incoming as well which will make the sound and video quality MUCH better. We should be able to start Act 3 with it or possibly before. I wish we could have started out with this set up. Those act 1 episodes are rough since I was just using mobile devices. If we had I think I would have a lot more repeat viewers. I REALLY want to make this a decent product. Hopefully we can keep going and by the time book 1 ends we'll have it perfected!

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    I thought the last episode was much better. The editing to make it tighter and run quicker was good. There was some sound syncing issues but didn't spoil the viewing.

    I've not seen you use retaliation or piercing that much in combat. I liked the tip about having the abilities on paper as a reminder and consulting them each round. Organise those into groups to help you remember.

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Excellent. Thank you for the feedback. Yeah the sound syncing I noticed during post but I couldn't correct. I think it was a glitch with my broadcasting software, camera and studio mic. Once we get our new camera it should make the picture quality MUCH better and since it will all go through one device the sound shouldn't have that odd syncing glitch that it has occasionally.

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    This episode we take on some legendary monsters and prepare for our next big quest. Will an assassin and a fire elemental stand in our way? Find out and say it along with us:"ROLL THAT DAMAGE DIE!". Also I recorded this episode in higher resolution (1080p) and without the voice sync issue. Any feedback again is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Fire aura will only damage your hero's opponents. In the glossary of abilities, whenever you see 'opponents' you can assume that means the monsters/enemies you will be fighting. Anything that affects you (the reader) will refer to the 'hero'. Hope that makes sense.

    So equipping the fire aura cloak means that all the hero's opponents will take 1 damage at the end of each combat round. Note that, unlike venom, you don't need to wound them first. This is automatic damage that happens at the end of round 1 for the duration of the combat.

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Thanks for the clarification, Michael. I sometimes over-think things and I should have just listened to Sydney. Now the question becomes - do we think backfire or fire aura? Let us know and we'll give you a shout out on the next episode!
    We had some feedback about listing our abilities at the beginning of our episodes which is a great suggestion. We'll make sure to do that. I'm really trying to get these episodes under an hour for viewer interest and to help with editing now that I've been doing post work to them. Just to give you an idea of how long it takes - that one episode of 37 minutes took several hours to edit and then upload. So I try to take/leave/edit out things I think aren't vital to the viewing experience.
    Also let me know how the video quality was in this episode. There should be an improvement. Based on what I can tell there is. I put our new equipment to work this week. Also with our new "studio" mic we didn't seem to have that wonky sound issue like in previous episodes.

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