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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: character sheet program?

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  • Re: character sheet program?

    Good Morning all!
    Sorry for going dark for a while there, life's been busy lately. Finally completed the move, unpacked the PC and have been working on the program for the past week or so. The character sheet's structure is now smooth and clean. I will focus on programming the inventory for all 3 acts of book 1 but thus far, all Cloaks, Head items and Gloves have been programmed, checked for accuracy, procedurally displayed and checked again. I believe I can do a better job with the inventory screen so I'll mess around with that while I program the Main Hand items. Moving forward with this as quickly as I can. Thanks for everyone's patience.

  • Re: character sheet program?

    Any news about the companion app?

    Best regards

  • Re: character sheet program?

    Hello dieguti,
    I was well on the way with the companion app but ran into a small problem last year. Primarily, my 6-year-old PC didn't take the obligatory Windows 10 Update very well and, after some effort, I ultimately had to clear the hard drive that contained the companion app source code. However, this isn't all bad news, apart from having to completely start over. I have outlined a more streamlined version of the app that should not only allow users to create their own items and track combat using virtual dice rolls with enemies that can be customized, but I am also trying to incorporate a story-telling segment to allow users to, using the DestinyQuest model, write and distribute their own stories. I had been meaning to pick this back up after the holidays by knucking down and getting to the business of getting back to where I was, and now seems like a good time to do so. I will start the framework tonight. Thanks for the inquiry! -DB

  • Re: character sheet program?

    have you any schedulling of the release? Android, IOS, browser?
    I have my children waiting to read the book .
    Best regards

  • Re: character sheet program?

    Well, let's discuss that. As of right now I'm just a fan using B4A to knock out a program that will help with playing the game by tracking characters and combats. I have a couple of young children myself so I work on it when I can. As programming is a hobby of mine and hardly a profession, I am limited to the language I know and therefore the mobile platform to which I can release. Currently, that means exclusively Android. I have discussed this with Mr. Ward and have permission to use the artwork that he has the rights to and has provided to me so that means the app will be free to use once released with no monetary ties whatsoever (microtransactions, unlocking advanced features, etc.) but due to the large number of devices on the market, I will need to rely on the community feedback system to iron out bugs, layout errors, display issues, and things of this nature. I could probably have something functional on the Google Play Store in 60 days and include new features as they come online. Now, I have started the new layout and design features so it is moving forward, but I'm afraid I can't offer the community a solid timeframe. The character tracking system is not too complex so I could probably have that up and running soon if I can put in enough hours.

    On a side-note, I saw somewhere that someone had coined this app DestinyQuest Infinity and even had some of my earlier program's screenshots in evidence. I didn't come up with that name but I like it quite a lot. Not sure if I can use it since it wasn't my idea but if the community has taken to calling it that I'm not sure what else I could name it as word has already spread under this title. Suggestions welcome on this one.

  • Re: character sheet program?

    Thanks for the update, DrownedBat.

    Title wise, people might be getting confused with DestinyQuest Infinite, which is the name that Adventure Cow gave to their app adaptation of The Legion of Shadow:

    That is most likely where the infinity name came from.

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