Re: character sheet program?
23 January 2018 at 3:28pm
Hello dieguti,
I was well on the way with the companion app but ran into a small problem last year. Primarily, my 6-year-old PC didn't take the obligatory Windows 10 Update very well and, after some effort, I ultimately had to clear the hard drive that contained the companion app source code. However, this isn't all bad news, apart from having to completely start over. I have outlined a more streamlined version of the app that should not only allow users to create their own items and track combat using virtual dice rolls with enemies that can be customized, but I am also trying to incorporate a story-telling segment to allow users to, using the DestinyQuest model, write and distribute their own stories. I had been meaning to pick this back up after the holidays by knucking down and getting to the business of getting back to where I was, and now seems like a good time to do so. I will start the framework tonight. Thanks for the inquiry! -DB