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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

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  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    @Matune: Yay! For now, you can have one active hero at a time. You can start fresh, but it means s*ping your current hero. Support for multiple heroes is on our agenda though! There are no plans for PvP (although I admit that's a pretty awesome idea). Automated hero upload is currently not on the timeline but we've been talking about it. You can upload your hero stats by taking a screenshot (here's one from my current playthrough: )

    @Lazarusdeath: Whether it's available as a native mobile app depends on demand - but you can play it on any device that has a browser, so you can take it mobile. We're not ready to talk about pricing yet (it will be something we'd personally be willing to pay for a game like this so don't worry!) but we have some extra bonus Kickstarter-style goodies if you pick up the game soon after release... As for equipment: you have a choice if you want to pick up an item or keep the one you have equipped. But yes, only one item per slot, no saving stuff for later (sorry packrats!)

    @death herald: As I told Matune, you can take a screenshot of your hero's inventory and stats any time - check out my own screenshot to see what this looks like.

    It sounds like you guys might be interested in a fancier way to share your hero...if you're /really/ interested let us know on our roadmap: . This is an unscientific poll but we'll use it to help plan post-release features!

    I've pointed our programmer to this thread, maybe he'll chime in with some information I missed.

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    One hero lol!!

    I was expecting at least 3 for each class.

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    That is extremely disappointing to hear I would expected to have saves for a few sessions so I can play around with paths and different careers. One session is very restrictive. More gives more replayability.

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    Just to be clear, as Aeval said, DQI will have one active hero "for now." We're planning to release it that way to get it to you guys as soon as we can. But the final version (which will, obviously, be free to anyone who got DQI) will definitely have multiple heroes. Hope that's clear.

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    Finally ..I have been waiting for a iOS app
    Of destiny quest since I heard of the book coming
    Out ..I have asked a few times for Michael to
    Get one going
    Ha ha

    thanks alot


  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    Hey Jodi, we'll do our best! (:

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