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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

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  • DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    Hi guys! Yuliya here from Adventure Cow, where we're working on the digital version of DQ, DestinyQuest Infinite. We'll be ready to release the first act to the public pretty soon, so I thought I'd drop by here and point you to the website:

    I'll be wandering around the forums, feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    What are the release dates for all three acts?

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    We don't have a concrete release date yet, but we're planning to have one by the end of the summer. I'll update this when we have the dates. I can say it will be this year though!

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    Cool I'm really excited for this.
    I have questions. How many heroes can you have per account?
    Also are there any plans in the future for PVP combat between heroes or at least let us upload the stats to a site like with the forums?

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    How much will it be and will it be available as an app from the apple App Store? How will weapons and equipment work? Will it be like the book where once you choose a piece of armor or weapon it automatically replaces your currently equipped one?

  • Re: DestinyQuest Infinite coming soon

    will you be able to print of your finished hero because my hero sheets often end up hard to read

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