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Moderators: Da Boss

2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Career sneak peeks

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  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Not sure if you meant that as a question. In DQ3 there are four warrior, four rogue and four mage careers. That's one less for each path, compared to the other books. There are only two acts in DQ3 so more careers would have been a bit much!

    Yes, plenty of rare items in the book! Lots to collect. ;)

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    The wait is as torturous as deciding what to play. I was sure I was going to play Shaman first but now I've read about these were beasts.... sounds just too awesome. I don't know!

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Good choice the were... I really like the careers of the third book... really good...

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Second rogue career is now live - the bard. Enjoy!

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Looks good. I'm surprised with the northern flavour of this book that it wasn't something like a "skald" instead, but I love any type of bard... especially when they dual class to dashing swordsman ;)

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Yes, Skald was a consideration but based on the context of the character you learn the career from (who isn't technically from the "north"), the bard seemed to make more sense.

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