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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: Career sneak peeks

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  • Career sneak peeks

    Over the coming months, in the run up to the release of DQ3 The Eye of Winter's Fury, I'll be previewing some of the hero careers from the new book.

    The first is a warrior career, the Einherjar. To find out more, check out the Book Three career section:

    More previews coming soon!

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Woohoo! Love seeing these sneak peeks.

    By the name, this career looks to be Norse based? Since the story seems to take place in the northern lands, that makes sense.

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    Agree very excited! Love to see this have a Viking/Skyrim flavour. I can’t wait! I’m interested to see whats in store for mages and rogue careers.

    On another topic recently started playing PVP with my brother who has got into the books. We used the spreadsheets to pick our items. It can be loads of fun playing around with the ability combinations. I made quite a powerful berseker and a venonmancer. Didn’t realise how good some skills are when they are linked with others. Very cool! Now want to see if I can create them again through questing.

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    It is very interesting, I cannot wait for more.

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    The second sneak peek has now gone live, the Reaver. To find out more, check out the Book Three career section:

  • Re: Career sneak peeks

    It is a Rogue career, isn't it?
    This Grapple ability should allow you to roll extra damage if you win the round.

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