
Wrath of Ragnarok

Posted by M J W on 6 August 2021

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Two updates in one week, has the world gone mad? Well, perhaps. Or maybe I have. I floated an idea around with the community about splitting my next book into two. I wasn’t sure of the response, but in my heart, I felt like it was the right decision for the characters and story. Thankfully, the overwhelming response has been positive.

It is not a choice I took lightly, but I have been struggling to plan a coherent story to finish this plotline within the story structure and limits of a DestinyQuest gamebook. When I wrote Raiders of Dune Sea, I really enjoyed the freedom to explore and express so many NPCs who impact the hero’s journey. And that is essentially what I want to do with Book 5.

This story is an odd one. And I have to avoid spoilers. But it involves two very big threats to Valeron and the world of Dormus. And perhaps, dealing with both of those in one book kind of felt a bit odd – like you defeat one ‘world ending’ boss, but hey… now let’s go save the world again. None of it is that transparent and obvious, but at the end of the day I felt having both of these threats in one book sort of diminished both in a sort of way. And, to deal with them in any depth was proving tricky. Both of these threats are huge to our characters’ journey – not just your hero but also the party. I just want to let all these stories breathe and have space to evolve.

There are so many wonderful characters caught up in this story – you, Kay, Shana, Fletch, Hakir, Caeleb and so many others that you will come to love. And I want to paint them as richly as I can and give you a full breadth of choices so that your interactions are more meaningful.

So, I never set out to do this. Makes me laugh that originally I thought Raiders of Dune Sea would be one book and all done… but I saw how much the story was improved when I decided with Raiders to split into two – and I am having the same experience now with the second book, which feels like it would be ‘choppy’ to try and fit into the constraints of one book. Maybe I became too ambitious. But that is probably part of an author’s journey. To push themselves.

Anyway, my plan is to start the writing of this book to coincide with the KS of the Roleplaying Game next year. You won’t be short changed. It will probably end up being a regular size because my ideas always fight for space. Expect depth and dungeon delves, and awesomeness. I never publish anything that I am not a 100 per cent a fan of, and I believe this will be a roller coaster.

So, I know you are all eager for further tales of desert and mystery, but you will have to hold on a while longer. But just know the trip will be worth it. And I can see Kay yelling at you to improve your sailing skills. Get on it!


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