The State of Things
Hey everyone. Probably that time when I should update.
Everything is going okay with progress of the new book, Tides of Terror. Sadly, it was a bit of a disappointing Kickstarter. I know there were issues and concerns because of the shipping that I had to charge, but the result is that I didn't quite get the funding I was expecting for a brand new marketed product.
Kickstarter is important for a lot of reasons. Yes, it brings in new people and also raises funds. But it is also for those, like myself who self publish, a vital means of covering the self-publishing costs (production, typesetting, artwork, printing) in an increasingly tough and expensive market as well as making a little bit that I can invest in future DQ projects.
This time around, that didn’t quite happen for me. I know a lot of people decided to hold back on the KS and wait for retail. That’s fine and I understand completely. But sadly Amazon benefits from that and I don't. I get less money per sale and that makes things tougher.
So, taking everything into account, I don't feel I can continue DestinyQuest at this point in time. I am sorry to share this news, but I need to get back on track financially before I can push on with more books (which I fully intend to do!). I have funded this franchise myself for over four years and I have done my best to keep books coming, but sadly I probably need to take a breather! I have a few "irons in the fire" (so to speak) that will certainly help with getting DestinyQuest back online - so I am staying positive!
Tides of Terror is on schedule, so don’t worry. I will be doing a full update end of next week for KS backers. Otherwise, keep fighting guys. And if you didn’t choose to support the Kickstarter, then the new book is available end of June on retail sites. Enjoy!
I am super excited for the new book. I believe it is a game-changing and genre-changing addition to the market. Let's hope it gets some attention.
Happy adventuring.