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Moderators: Da Boss

733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Passive damage death

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  • Re: Passive damage death

    It seems like you've already interpreted the rules (all passive effects continue through the final round of combat) but that Adventure Cow chose a different interpretation since implementing your concept would (presumably) be a pain in the ass for them to code.

    Really the only question is: Do you still want to go with your initial view (passive effects continue to damage (or possibly heal) your character through the final round of combat) or have you decided to go with their view (all passive effects end once you or your opponent(s) reach 0 Health)?

    Since passive effects occur in all the books, presumably your ruling should affect all the books, including Book 4.

  • Re: Passive damage death

    Hello dear forum community and dear Michael,
    Have you already "tightened up" the rules with Book 4?
    I also have one or two questions or suggestions on this topic. I had a problem today with Sammain from book 1: her passive cold damage would have killed me in the last CR (but I would have had potions to heal myself). Until now, I've always handled it like this: with "internal" passive damage like bleeding or poison, it still worked in the last round of combat, "external" damage like flame or frost auras ended immediately, as I understand it, because the enemy emitting the auras is dead (then King Ludwig's passive damage would no longer count after his death). I always thought this rule was the most logical? How do you handle this now? Kind regards, Sir Matzeur!

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