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Topic: General Strategy - Am i doing something wrong

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  • General Strategy - Am i doing something wrong


    Today i got the first book The Legion Of Shadow and i started playing.

    I am at the first Act and i want to ask if everything is going OK.

    What i mean is that i started by doing all three green quests. Successfully i may add so i can not go back and take something that i might have missed (i think that is what the rules say). I didn't die.

    Then moved on to the two orange quests also successful and sorry if i missed something (i think i didn't managed to break a door(last one) at the Rat Extermination Quest) oh well what can i do? I can not go back and give it another try.
    So i moved on.

    I visited the town where i talked with the people and bought 2 things.

    All the money i managed to find so far was +5gg +15gg that means a total of 30gold piece. I don't know if i can find any more gold pieces and i don't now how.
    Also i couldn't find any of the things that the market wanted for unique items(only one item).

    Then i took the first blue quest Stone Circle and i managed barely to beat 3 of the 4 guardians but Noldor is kicking my butt and there is no way to beat him with my stats....only by pure luck and even then just to take him to 30 points and use one rune.

    OK i say i tried to beat the 3 legendary monster and also was way out of league for these guys???
    What happened? Where did i do wrong?

    I can't find any more money to buy some more items from the market and there is only one more blue quest to take and i am sure my ass is gonna get beat at that too.

    My stats are Speed 5, Brawn 2, Magic 2, Armor 2 and i have items with first cut and a ring of lightning.

    There is one more blue quest to try but after that i don't know what to do.
    Is it meant to be like this and i have to try a battle again and again and again until after X times the luck favors me and i manage to pass something?

    You see i didn't fail at anything but still the stats of the enemies and the difficulty got really high really fast.

    Or do i have to start from the beginning and build a character with i don't know something like choose 2 favor stats and stick with these for all my items?

    Do i have to start from the beginning?

    Sorry for the long post the game so far is really good but....

  • Re: General Strategy - Am i doing something wrong

    Hi MountainRoot

    Welcome to the forums.

    Sorry to hear you are struggling with Act 1. I think the problem lies in the items you have chosen for your character. Your brawn and magic scores are very low, which means you won't be doing much damage to enemies. Your speed is quite high (at 5) which is great for winning rounds, but if you don't have the damage score (from brawn OR magic) to back it up, you will run into problems.

    When equipping items, you really want to choose brawn or magic as your primary stat (so brawn if you are thinking of going warrior or rogue) and magic for mages. Then choose items that boost just that stat (as you can only add one of them to your damage score in a combat).

    Speed is also important, so you really want to strike a balance between speed and your primary damage stat (magic or brawn).

    With the Noldor battle, you said that you beat three of the guardians - that should give you three runic powers that you can use in that battle to help you. They should make it easier - but like I said, because your brawn and magic are low, you will inevitably struggle.

    Ideally by your stage you should perhaps have something like Speed 4, Brawn/Magic 4 for one of them, Armour 1 (or something along those lines) - where your brawn (or magic) is helping you to hit harder. Abilities also play a big part too, so choose those that help in areas you are weak in (winning rounds, doing damage, ignoring armour etc).

    I hope that helps.

  • Re: General Strategy - Am i doing something wrong

    Thank you very much for the quick answer.

    OK first thing first i did something wrong. At the Rat story i rolled only 1 die instead of 2 to check for a skill and lost valuable things. I found out when i re-read the rules for any problems. So i allowed my shelf to continue from this point on and roll the correct dice and managed to open the door and fought the rat king and got many more items.
    My bad on this part.

    Second i did the blue quest at from the Well at the town killing the worm and the spider.....i don't know if i picked the correct items but i think i will be OK.

    Overall my stats now changed to
    Speed 4, Brawn 6, Magic 3 and Armor 3

    I also have 1 first cut, 2 charm items, 1 venom and 1 lightning so i am at a way better place than before.

    Next i will go to the Black Book Quest to see how i'll do there and what more i can get.

    - When you say one of your hero dice do you mean only dice that affect my Hero. So NOT the 2 dice that i am rolling to find out my enemies speed attack
    - Punishing Blows: An armor value cannot go below zero. Is that correct?
    - Tail Lash Paragraph 233: For every 1 you roll during this combat the ratling's tail automatically hits you for 1 damage. Question: Does that count even when i roll the 2 dice to determine the rat's speed attack? Or just my own dice? I took the toughest choice just to be sure i played fair. Also this damage doesn't trigger the lightning's ability because it's passive and NOT combat damage. Correct?

    Great Book having a blast so far.....

    I died some times though but that's OK.

  • Re: General Strategy - Am i doing something wrong

    - When you say one of your hero dice do you mean only dice that affect my Hero. So NOT the 2 dice that i am rolling to find out my enemies speed attack

    Hero dice are the dice you roll for your hero (their speed and their damage).

    - Punishing Blows: An armor value cannot go below zero. Is that correct?


    - Tail Lash Paragraph 233: For every 1 you roll during this combat the ratling's tail automatically hits you for 1 damage. Question: Does that count even when i roll the 2 dice to determine the rat's speed attack? Or just my own dice? I took the toughest choice just to be sure i played fair.

    Correct. All dice count.

    Also this damage doesn't trigger the lightning's ability because it's passive and NOT combat damage. Correct?


    Good luck!

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