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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Second Sight

Page: 1
  • Second Sight

    Got a little question about Second Sight...

    1) Second sight is a modifier ability, so it should only get to be triggered once, right? I know 99% in my mind that it has to be that way but there's a part of me that can't help but be unsure, given how it's worded...
    2) Can it lower dice below 1? Can any ability lower dice below 1?


  • Re: Second Sight

    Good questions.

    1) Yeah, with hindsight (and my sort of consolidation of passive and modifier rules in later books) I think Second sight should technically be a passive, as it triggers automatically and is not something you 'activate'. So it actually reduces all your opponent's dice results by 2.
    2) It lowers the result - so if a [2] or [1] was rolled that damage would be ignored (i.e. read as zero).

    I'll update the online glossary at some point and correctly label it a passive.

  • Re: Second Sight

    Oh that's pretty powerful then, almost like a permanent +0-2 armor buff. Got it, thanks.

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