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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: Leech/Dark Claw or Demon Claws

Page: 1
  • Leech/Dark Claw or Demon Claws


    Yep - me again!

    The description for Leech states that you get 2 Health back if your damage die/score does health damage to the enemy. Does this apply to the health damage inflicted by Dark Claw or Demon Claws as well? In other words, would you get 2 health back if these abilities trigger for an instant 4 damage to the enemy?

    I'm guessing the answer is 'No' because no dice are rolled for damage - and that's how I played it with my Necro but maybe I'm wrong and my Necro is actually even more powerful than I first thought!


  • Re: Leech/Dark Claw or Demon Claws

    No dice are rolled, so no - abilities like Dark Claw will not trigger Leech - only abilities that make explicit reference to rolling damage dice or a damage score. Sorry!

  • Re: Leech/Dark Claw or Demon Claws

    Thanks Boss, that's what I thought. Glad to know that I was playing the rules correctly though and not inadvertently cheating! I still love the Dark Claw/Life Spark and Rake/Shades combos though. They're powerful enough for me.

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