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733 Posts in 207 Topics by 139 members

Topic: LoS - Shadow Terror Question

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  • Re: LoS - Shadow Terror Question

    Ha ha, glad you took the honourable approach!

    The Shadow Terror is a tough fight and requires some thinking/tactics, but all the more rewarding once the nasty critter is finally laid to rest!

  • Re: LoS - Shadow Terror Question

    I did too had many problems with this monster.

    I had a 13 Speed and 10 Brawl. I also had the Spark of Life and Sear for extra damage and also a Reposte.

    There was no way to defeat this foe. I had to wait and play again and again until i got enough damage on the first few round.
    I couldn't change any of my gear since it was already the best and i mean the best i could find and there was no way to acquire some kind of potion to raise my strength.

    So i did the same combat over and over again until i got lucky. Not a very pleasant moment in the game.

  • Re: LoS - Shadow Terror Question

    You said you're playing a rogue. Most rogues have an ability like Bleed or Venom, which allows you to do 1-2 points of automatic damage at the end of each round. There are some tough opponents immune to this, but it's a great way to defeat the Shadow Terror. If you can keep avoiding its blows, and your high speed helps, it will eventually die no matter how high its armor. I know this doesn't help you much now, and I'm sorry the fight was so tough. Besides items that have Bleed or Venom, I also recommend maxing out your speed and brawn at the expense of armor. You won't be able to take many hits, but your opponents will have trouble landing their own.

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