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Topic: Demon Claws/Trickster/Sure Grip question...

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  • Demon Claws/Trickster/Sure Grip question...

    Me again!

    I was playing DQ2 last night after acquiring 'Sure Grip' and I hit a situation where I wasn't sure how to interpret the rules.

    Basically, I rolled a '1' and a '6' for my Attack Speed. 'Sure Grip' meant that the '1' became a '6', resulting in a double '6'. So I took this as triggering my 'Demon Claws' ability and subtracted 4 Health from my enemy.

    But I wasn't sure if this was a correct interpretation of the rules.

    Likewise, if you have an ability like 'Trickster' and swap one of your dice for your enemies dice and this results in you getting two dice of the same value, would this also trigger Demon Claws?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Re: Demon Claws/Trickster/Sure Grip question...

    Yes, if an ability creates a 'double' then those dice can be used to trigger another relevant ability (such as demon claws).

    You may also find this thread helpful:

  • Re: Demon Claws/Trickster/Sure Grip question...

    Thanks! Glad to know I got it right - I actually managed to roll a '1' and a '6' three times during that battle for a whopping '12' damage overall to the enemy just from the Demon Claws/Sure Grip combo and that's what made me pause to think 'Wow - this seems OP'. But then I just considered that I'd been lucky with the dice rolls and was being rewarded for that.

    Plus - I needed that luck because I'm still 'Hexed' and have to be very selective with the abilities I use (considering I now have 17 to choose from and can only use 8!).

  • Re: Demon Claws/Trickster/Sure Grip question...

    Sure grip needs a nerf in my opinion. For one ability it is very OP and mages can't even use it. Suppose we get siphon in HoF which is fairly powerful but is never going to be nearly as useful.

  • Re: Demon Claws/Trickster/Sure Grip question...

    Beating Buckmaster Bill gives you access to Leather Longarm gloves. These also have Sure Grip and don't have any profession requirements to use.

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