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Topic: Dark claw + Cat’s speed / Haste

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  • Dark claw + Cat’s speed / Haste

    When we use Cat’s speed / Haste speed roll is determined by 3 dice. What we must do when we roll a treble and Dark claw is our ability? Mathematical this are 3 doubles. I think the damage is equal to 12.

  • Re: Dark claw + Cat’s speed / Haste

    An interesting point.

    In my opinion, the way I see it, it still only counts as one double (as you check to make the double once all dice are rolled). If you rolled say a [3] and a [3] and a [3] for example - you would elect to use two of those [3] results to trigger Dark Claw, so:

    ([3] + [3]) leaving you one [3] result left over.

    If you rolled four [3] results (or two doubles) then you could use Dark Claw twice.

    Hope that makes sense. That is how I play it anyway!

  • Re: Dark claw + Cat’s speed / Haste

    I want to be sure I understand this.. A die can only be used once per double check? It sort of makes sense. But if I used trickster or deceieve to swap afterwards with an opponent's roll and could make another double do I still get an extra effect?

  • Re: Dark claw + Cat’s speed / Haste

    Yes, that would trigger another Dark Claw ability.

    I know it is a grey area, but I see it as basically pairing up the dice you have. To create two doubles you need four same rolls. So [1], [1], [1] and [1].

    Using a modifier ability like trickster to swap over an opponent's die is also valid if that makes a double.

    So, you roll [1] and [1] and use Dark Claw.
    Opponent rolls [1] and [3]
    You use trickster to swap the [1]s over.
    You make another double = Dark Claw triggers again.

    A roll of three [1] results is only one double as I see it in game terms. (I know some mathematicians will argue this point!)

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