Pick a pocket or two :P
30 March 2011 at 8:27pm
Well I did it............
Name: Jinxed Path: rogue Career: pickpocket
Stats: 16 Speed, 28 Brawn, Armor 0
Head: Budak’s blindfold 2s 3b second sight
Cloak: Nemesis shroud 2s 3b dark pack
Gloves: Bracelet of fury 1s 4b adrenaline
Chest: Confessors coat 2s 4b fortitude
Feet: Marsh stalker 2s 3b sideswipe
Main hand: Talanosts edge 3s 5b sear
Left hand: Serenity 2s 4b deep wound
Talisman: Blinding dust 1s deceive
Necklace: Ghouls teeth 1s piercing
Ring: Zul’s zapper 1b 1m zapped
Ring: Leader of the pack 1b dominate
Gold at end of game: 2765g (before buying Waldo gear)