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754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: BLOKKA!

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  • Re: BLOKKA!

    I agree ML. speed is way too important not to have enough of. This is my better warrior with 14 speed. i didn't even equip the crown of valour in the end as I've decided without speed its not that great an item for warriors. I think it proves better for mages.

    This is my ranger. Played better than my tank cavalier and quite a relief i didn't need to stick to shields for my offhand. The ranger abilities really helped too.

    Name: Blokka Son of Blokka
    Path: warrior
    Career: ranger
    Stats 14 speed 21 brawn 7 armour

    Head: knuckle head (2sp 3 br) slam
    Cloak: valiant spaulders (2 sp 2 br) overpower
    Gloves: bracelet of iron (2 br 3 ar) might of stone
    Chest: pace maker (1 sp 4 ar) kick start
    Feet: barbarous boots (1 sp 3 br) savagery

    Main hand: blood crescent (3 sp 5 br) cleave
    Left hand: fall of angels (1 sp 5 br) windblast

    Talisman: betsy's compass(1 sp ) attraction
    Necklace: glacial shards (1 sp 1 br) piercing
    Ring: tooth n claw (1 sp 1 br) sideswipe
    Ring: lupine lapis (1 br) bleed

  • Re: BLOKKA!

    Got here in the end-

    Name: Kreiss the blood of Barahar
    Path: warrior
    Career: drake
    Stats 14 speed 14 brawn 14 armour

    Head: crown of gandara (1sp 2 br) command
    Cloak: runeplate pauldrons (2 sp 2 ar) last defence
    Gloves: goresoaked fists(1 sp 4 br) slam
    Chest: krakas casing (2 sp 4 ar) thorn armour (+charm +ironwill)
    Feet: scarlet sabatons(2 sp 3 br) haste

    Main hand: crystal hammer (2 sp 5 br) stagger
    Left hand: ixions wheel (2 sp 4 ar) fireaura (+2 ar)

    Talisman: drake spirrit (1 sp) drake career
    Necklace: hunters heart (1 sp ) savage call
    Ring: circle of storms (1 ar) lightning
    Ring: abyssal firestone (1 ar 2 health) fire aura


    Name: Balad the Dark Angel
    Path: mage
    Career: acolyte
    Stats 14 speed 26 magic 0 armour

    Head: mordant shroud (2sp 3 ma)acid
    Cloak: cloak of the undying(2 sp 3 health) greater heal
    Gloves: rainbow skin brassard (1 sp 1 ma) regrowth (+1m +heal)
    Chest: drakefire raiment (2 sp 3 ma) fireaura
    Feet: ixions shackles (2 sp 3 ma) immobilsie

    Main hand: avalanche (2 sp 6ma) shatter
    Left hand: B is for banshee (2 sp 4 ma) windblast

    Talisman: benediction (1 ma) acolyte career (+charm +charm)
    Necklace: hanumans hair (1 sp ) monkey mob
    Ring: bad tooth (2 ma) disease
    Ring: blood diamond (2ma) bleed

    i found the combat sheet amazingly helpful for the wickerman fight. You can use the the columns for each combat round and one set for each hero. Feel i need a hat trick now and go for a rogue. Good that the books have so much replay value!

  • Re: BLOKKA!

    Thanks for the combat tracker feedback. Good luck with your rogue! ;)

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