Rogue to start Wrath of Ragnarok
2 September 2023 at 7:29am
As it's been four years since I played Raiders of the Dune Sea, I decided to replay it to reacquaint myself with the story. Here is my new character.
Name: Prodigal
Path: Rogue
Career: Tomb Robber
Speed: 10 Brawn: 20 (plus Sure Edge and lots of passives) Armour: 3 Health: 52
Head - Gloom Cover +1Sp, +2Br (Gloom)
Cloak - Sucker Punch +1Sp, +2Br (Blood Mark)
Gloves - Razor Light +1Sp, +2Br (Blind, Gouge)
Chest - Black Quills (+ Geck Scales, Eluminium Plate, Ravenger Jaw) +1Sp, +2Br, +2Ar (Haste)
Feet - Sun Dog Striders +2Sp, +4Br (Sneak, Sideswipe)
Main Hand - Vermillion Scales (dagger) +1Sp, +3Br (Virulence)
Left Hand - Baleen Tine (dagger) +2p, +2Br (Bleed, Gouge)
Talisman - Jonah’s Compass +1Sp, +3health (Surefooted, Charm)
Necklace - Wind Whispers +1Br, +2health (Trickster)
Ring 1 - Shaper’s Mark +1Br (Sure Edge)
Ring 2 - Empusa's Eye +1Br, +1 Armour +2 Health (Glyph of Life)
Other Abilities - Piercing, Spark Daggers, Freerunner, Toxic Blades, Improved Misdirection, From Shadows, Shadow Well, Seraph’s Protection
Augments - 2x Perception, Aggression
Pet - Mechanical Scorpion (with Potent Stinger)
Reputation: Hinba +6, Cabal +6, Sun Dogs +2, Griglo +3, Silk Merchant +8
Now I am normally all about the speed, but the Sun Dog Striders (new loot card)are so good (3 extra brawn and sneak ability which turns a lost combat round into a win)
that I keep Raider’s Perch (plus ambulatory pads) +3Sp, +1Br (Somersault) in the vault to swap into if speed is really needed (e.g. for a challenge).
Looking at the loot cards for Wrath of Ragnarok I decided to upgrade my chest item as it looks like it will be a long way into the book before chest items become really decent.
I did this build to maximise passive damage and with bleed, gouge, blood mark, toxic blades, spark daggers and virulence it certainly does. I have chosen to keep Shadow Burst (left hand - flintlock) +2Sp, +2Br (Blind, Vanish) and Gallow Splinters (Cloak) +1Sp, +2Br (Immobolise) in the vault in case my opponent is immune to passives.
The vault also has Haggler’s Pride (ring).
Looking forward to starting Wrath of Ragnarok!