Lothar - DQ3
29 April 2020 at 7:34pm
My DQ3 character:
I missed some codewords, because i did a different route this time.
Most exciting battle so far?
Act 1: Vs. the Handler and the 3 Einherjar (section 318)
Act 2: Vs. Tiamort & Luicris (section 729), Melusine (section 154)
Name: Lothar AKA Prince Arran / Leader of the Bear Tribe / Bearclaw / Seff / Ghost / The Redemeer / Drokke / The Serpent Slayer
Path: Warrior
Career: Storm Carl (former were)
Abilities: Hurricane Rush (co), Spin Shot (co)
Stats: S15/B16/M2/A6/H60
Head: Warg Crow +2S/+2A Ability: Barbs (pa)
Cloak: Dark Storm +2S/+3B Ability: Splinters (co)
Gloves: Talons of the tower +1S/+2B Ability: Revenge (co)
Chest: Captain's Coat +2S/+2B/1A Ability: Overpower (co) + Terrordactyl Scales, +1A + Shadow Fleece, Ability: Warg Strike (co), + Troll's tresses, ability: Insulated (pa)
Feet: Deep Ice Dredgers +2S/+3A Ability: Heavy Blow (co) + Rune of Healing, Ability: Heal (mo)
Main hand: Guilt Spike +2S/+3B Ability: Deep Wound (co)
Left hand: Gram +2S/+2B Ability: Furious Sweep (co) + Rune of Weakening, ability: Curse (sp)
Talisman: Monstrous Beast +1S/+5H Ability: Bleed (pa)
Necklace: Glacial Orbit +1S/+2B Ability: Piercing (co)
Ring: Band of Suffering +1B/+1M Ability: Thorns (pa)
Ring: Corrupted Eye +1B/+1M Ability: Disease (pa)
Abilities: Spectral Claws (co), Intimidate (mo), Might of Stone (mo), Salvation (pa)
Curse: Curse of Frailty (pa) cured.
Death Moves: Shadow Thorns, Upper hand, Recuperation
Notes: Elemental Infusion, White Wolf Hunting Permit, Mott's Medallion, Flint and Tinder, Naglfar, Coven Robes, Captain's conch, Dragon's Horn, Body of Spirit
Naglfar Speed 7, Stability 8, Toughness 10
Nidhogg Speed 9, Stability 8 (-8), Thoughness 12 (-9)
Ability: Dragon Fire (co), Tactical Manoeuvres (co), Armor Plating (pa)
Gold: 350
1) Flask of Might +3B
2) Red pills +4H, 3 uses
3) Tome of Necromancy
4) Flask of Healing +10H
Death Penalties:
1) section 756: Crippled / Removed with Fixing Infuser
2) section 7: Head blow
1) section 333: Removed with Soul Charge
Ice Sled Racing:
4th Place (qualifiers) Veteran
Crashed @ section 756, Underdog
Keywords: Prince, Kitchens, Brawler, Resolve, Trader, Flame, Fractured, Triumph, Hunted, Underdog, Rocked, Brothers, Repentance, Survivors
Keywords removed: Thievery, Envoy, Gains, Lamp, Tracker, Scripture, Rookie, Veteran