Sly the Bard
21 January 2016 at 9:00am
Well, that WAS exhausting.
I just completed my marathon run of all three books, finishing EoWF with a Rogue character (who turned out to be a Bard in the end).
I feel like I would have liked to stick with the Reaver career as that felt incredibly powerful and had flavour - but it's abilities lose their reliability as you hit Act 2, so I decided to switch to Bard. I couldn't quite get comfortable with the build I created but having said that, I found it easy to get through the book.
Of the three characters I created, my Monk was favourite by far.
Anyway, here's the Hero:
Name:Sly the Mourner and Serpent Slayer (formerly Prince Arran)
Path: Rogue
Career: Bard
Stats: 14 sp, 24 br, 3 ma, 0 ar
Health: 50
Head: Oblivion Hood (1 sp, 2 br - Decay)
Cloak: Dark Storm (2 sp, 3 br - Splinters )
Gloves: Tangled Tentacles (1 sp, 1 br - Webbed)
Chest: Black Vice(2 sp, 4 br - Deep Wound)
Feet: Sable's Shadows (2 sp, 2 br - Rebound)
Main hand: Valediction (2sp, 4 br- Cruel Twist)
Left hand: Vibrato enhanced with Troll Tresses, Rune of Healing and Rune of Nightmares(2 sp, 4 br - Sweet Spot, Heal, Insulated, Fear)
Talisman: Spirit Fire (1 sp, 5 hl - Sear)
Necklace: Coldheart Cinch(1 sp, 1 br - Mangle)
Ring: Betrayer's Kiss enhanced with Rune of Fortune(2 br, 2ma - Critical Strike, Charm)
Ring: Corrupted Eye(1 br, 1 ma - Disease)
Other abilities: Deadly Dance, Good Vibrations, Spectral Claws, Intimidation, Pain Barrier, Ice Slick, Gambit, Scarlet Strikes, Shadow Thorns, Tormented Soul.
Gold Crowns: 900
Backpack: Red Pills x3, Flask of Healing
So, there we have it.
Time for a rest now.