27 August 2015 at 6:26am
Name: Domino
Path: Mage
Career: Medic
Stats: 14 speed, 30 magic, 1 armor
Head: Thalamus tiara, 2 speed, 5 magic, haste
Cloak: Slipstream silk, 3 speed, 2 magic, surge
Gloves: Abattoir gloves, 1 speed, 4 magic, bleed
Chest: Cinder’s gown, 1 speed, 3 magic, sear
Feet: Quicksilver boots, 2 speed, 1 magic, quicksilver
Main hand: Tempest’s fury, 2 speed, 5 magic, wind blast
Left hand: Lexicon of bones, 2 speed, 5 magic, haunt
Talisman: Lady of the lamp, 1 armor, medic (tourniquet, mend.)
Necklace: Silver cross, 1 speed, 1 magic, heal
Ring: Mender’s marcasite, 1 magic, regrowth
Ring: Conduit of shadow, 3 magic, overload
Notes: A few things I learned on my questing…..
1. Don’t ditch a career you love for a terrible one
2. Speed is like really important
3. Vampires have marital issues
4. Act 2 bosses will kick your ass
5. Why can’t I romance Nyms??
6. Part 3 has waaaaaay too much combat
7. Mathis what I do to * you off so bad?
8. The ending is awesome and I can’t wait to read on