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Topic: DQ1 Assassin for Hero vs Hero

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  • DQ1 Assassin for Hero vs Hero

    It's so much fun pre-building characters, then equipping them exactly when you go through the story! Here's one I developed for Hero vs Hero combat.

    Name: Feigenbaum
    Path: Rogue
    Career: Assassin
    Stats: Speed - 16, Brawn - 26, Health - 45 (90 in HvH combat).

    Head: Total eclipse (+2S +3B, vanish)
    Cloak: Hulking shoulders (+2S +3B, barbs)
    Gloves: Bone bracers (+1S +2B, bleed)
    Chest: Dark slayer vest (+2S +4B, dominate)
    Feet: Marsh stalkers (+2S +3B, sideswipe)

    Main hand: Mortician's scalpel (+3S +4B, disease)
    Left hand: Fang of Vengos (+2S +4B, venom)

    Talisman: Grimm ichor (+1S, poison mastery)

    Necklace: Eye of shadow (+1S, usurper)
    Ring: Vampire's bite (+2B, piercing)
    Ring: Witchwood thorn (+1B, thorns)

    Notes: I tried to maximise this guy's passive damage. So after First strike, each combat round ends with the opponent taking a whopping 9 points of damage (1 each from Barbs, bleed and thorns, 2 from disease, and 4 from Venom + deadly poisons + poison mastery).

    I picked up Banshee's wail so that, along with sideswipe and vanish, I can dodge for 3 combat rounds if I lose and still do 27 points worth of hurt.

    The Vampire's bite ring is one of the bookmarks with equippable items that came with the hardback version of the Gollancz book.

    Finally, I swapped out the necklace's haste ability for the Usurper modifier.

  • Re: DQ1 Assassin for Hero vs Hero

    That is impressive! I doubt you'll have many takers for HvH combat with those stats and abilities ;)

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