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Moderators: Da Boss

754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Storm Carl

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  • Re: Storm Carl

    I'm considering the following as an update:

    Spin shot (co): This ability inflicts 2 damage dice to your opponent, ignoring armour – plus 3 extra damage for every speed point difference you have over your opponent in this round. You can only use this ability once per combat.

    It feels like a good compromise. You still get the 2 damage dice base damage, ignoring armour, and then benefit from the speed boost of abilities such as Frenzy. This would mean, if critical strike was used, it could only affect the initial 2 damage dice.

  • Re: Storm Carl

    That is probably better and would also means Bloody Maiden adds +4 rather than +12 if you had a (temporary) speed advantage of +4.

    Quick question on critical strike - assuming you win the round when you are playing Spin Shot, should critical strike apply to the die you roll for damage? I assumed not, as applying it to one form of attack but it could be read to apply to all damage dice in a combat round.

  • Re: Storm Carl

    Critical strike, when played, turns all damage die into [6] results. So if you won the round, and used spin shot as your combat ability you could (under the new proposed rules) turn the two die results into [6] and [6] and then add on your damage bonuses for the abilities.

    Is that what you meant?

  • Re: Storm Carl

    No, it wasn't. I think I understand now with the description on combat abilities at the start of the book. So I think both Hurricane Rush and Spin Shot's descriptions should begin by saying "Instead of rolling for a damage score...."

    I thought you could use the ability and roll for damage (which explains why I thought the Storm Carl was so amazing), because the descriptions of the abilities weren't explicit unlike, for instance, stampede and skewer.

    *Edited for typos*

  • Re: Storm Carl

    Ah ok, that explains a lot! Perhaps I need to be more consistent in my ability descriptions. Yes, both spin shot and hurricane rush, like all damage die combat abilities, replace rolling for a damage score. You can't do both.

    I'll make that amend to the online glossary - and add to the errata - just to clarify for other readers. Thanks.

  • Re: Storm Carl

    Not all damage die combat abilities apply instead of calculating a damage score. Backstab, for example, doesn’t and a thief in HoF was my last character, so that might be why I assumed they could just be played. Although looking back at the Backstab glossary I see that explicitly states you still can roll for damage.

    It seems quite unusual to have a career with two combat abilities that replace rolling for a damage score. That’s two rounds where you are not benefiting from the brawn you have accumulated. Particularly if you are reducing Spin Shots’ power I would advocate making Hurricane Rush a combat ability triggered by playing a speed ability (so a bit like backstab) and independent of whether you win the round. After all, you do take damage that will activate any passives your opponents have etc. I think that would fit with the theme of the career. But of course you Da Boss!

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