Storm Carl
6 May 2014 at 9:03pm
So just completed and here is my warrior hero:
Name: Arran
Titles: Serpent Slayer, The Everliving
Path: Warrior
Career: Storm Carl (Hurricane Rush, Spin Shot)
Stats: 15 speed, 22 brawn, 3 magic, 3 armour, 55 health,
Head: Tomb Life +2 speed +2 armour, greater heal
Cloak: Aggressor's Mantle +2 speed +2 brawn +1 armour (Terra scales), barbs
Gloves: Werewood Claws +1 speed +2 brawn, gouge
Chest: Captain's Coat +2 speed +3 brawn (Drone Razors), overpower
Feet: Sable's Shadows +2 speed +2 brawn, rebound
Main hand: Tumult (axe) +2 speed +3 brawn (drake thorn), Frenzy (+curse, +charm)
Left hand: Warped Edge +2 speed +4 brawn, charm (+ice edge, +blind)
Talisman: Monstrous Beast +1 speed +5 health, bleed
Necklace: Glacial Orbit +1 speed +2 brawn, piercing
Ring: Aldo's Ruin +2 br (bonus from blue quest Act 1) +1 magic, deceive (+heal, +frost burn)
Ring: Betrayer's Kiss +2 brawn +2 magic, critical strike
Death Moves: upperhand, recuperation, shadow thorns,
Other: spectral claws, bloody maiden, might of stone, intimidate, ice slick
I think the Storm Carl career might be a bit overpowered. It gives you two combat abilities that can be used in addition to winning a round and rolling for damage. Hurricane Rush is great for multiple opponents to inflict passives such as bleed/gouge. But it is spin shot that it is truly amazing. When combined with a speed boost (e.g. frenzy) I was rolling 5, 6 or even 7 dice at a time. I say rolling, as I actually used critical strike to make it inflict 30, 36 or 42 points of damage. I defeated one supposedly tough opponent, with 80 health, in just two combat rounds. And bloody maiden makes it even more powerful.
This made the book quite easy from a play perspective. Early combats and ones where you couldn't use abilities were the toughest.
As people will see from my equipment, I took the “darker” path (Da Boss’s words) to activate the forge. I would say I generally took the path of “greater good” or, as Skoll would put it, the many rather than the few, e.g. I also acted to stop the dissemination of chemical warfare.
Trying rogue next.