Rinzler < ace rogue
28 October 2011 at 7:19pm
Sure I'm a little late to this party but I got inspired by the awesome rogues on this forum so I ditched my mage mid game and rerolled. I haven't looked back since There is some gear I would like to change (would LOVE A RING WITH DISEASE/VENOM) but satisfied with my career choice and load out of damage. Sad I have to wait till next year for the next episode!
Name: Rinzler the betrayer
Path: Rogue
Career: Swordmaster
Stats 15 speed 25 brawn 0 armour 45 health
Head: Black widow (2 sp 2 br webbed)
Cloak: Nemesis shroud (2 sp 3 br dark pact)
Gloves: Bracelet of fury (1 sp 4 br adrenaline)
Chest: Shadow bindings (2 sp 3 br evade)
Feet: Marsh stalkers (2 sp 3 br sideswipe)
Main hand: Black death (2 sp 4 br critical strike)
Left hand: Dragon slayer (2 sp 4 br deep wound)
Talisman: Blinding dust (1 sp deceive)
Necklace: Ghoul’s teeth (1 sp piercing)
Ring: Lupine lapis (1 br bleed)
Ring: Finger of fire (1 br sear)