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Moderators: Da Boss

754 Posts in 132 Topics by 94 members

Topic: Rithe

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  • Re: Rithe

    Right, when you earn the title. You technically don't get the title until you've beaten the final boss. Although you get the ability before that... Maybe that should get clarified.

  • Re: Rithe

    Normally I would say never trust a Decepticon, but in this instance Starscream is absolutely correct - as the card description states, you can equip the item when you earn the title 'The Champion of Light'.

    If you have defeated Sharroth and gained that title, then the crown is yours. Think of it as a loot drop from Sharroth.

  • Re: Rithe

    I think we're saying the same thing, just in different ways. You get the title ability before Sharroth, but the title after. You can't equip the 2 Epic cards until after. Kindof annoying, but we'll get to use them, just not right away. I just didn't change it on my sheet yet. Since you are all saying I should, I'll do that when I get home.

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