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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: against all odds achievement

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  • against all odds achievement

    Has anyone had all four heroes survive this quest? I've just done it for a 2nd time with my rogue and only heroe I get close to surviving it is laine. This is only achievement Ive not done now

  • Re: against all odds achievement

    If your hero is a medic (my mage is) then that quest is a little easier. Although, I haven't managed the full achievement. For some reason, Janna seems a bit hopeless at pest control!

  • Re: against all odds achievement

    It took me five attempts to have Laine survive (*) and he is the one with the self heal! I suppose that is why you don't see many inquisitor heroes.

    (*) I know that is technically cheating, but I did want that inquisitor career quite badly! I think I earned it

  • Re: against all odds achievement

    i found the quest is frustrating becuase you have to stay in the sidelines until the hero dies and only then can you go in and pwn the undead. Was an easy quest except for the end monster. He almost had me. Health potions ftw glug glug

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