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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: Puzzles

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  • Re: Puzzles

    Thanks for helping, I'll try and check if I'm able to find the solution. I thought it was something like this, but I think I've made some mistakes adding the numbers... quite a stupid mistake which took me far from solving the puzzle. Hopefully it'll not take me another couple of days..

  • Re: Puzzles

    I thought I had caught it, but I think I was wrong cause I can't get to the solution...

  • Re: Puzzles

    +1 to numbers first row
    +2 to numbers second row
    +3 to numbers third row
    +4 t0 numbers fourth row

    If you have a 4 in the second row then it would have a value of 6, a 2 in the first row has a value of 3. You find the missing numbers (where the shapes are) to create a three digit number I don't have the puzzle to look so i can't be more specific

  • Re: Puzzles

    i couldnt do this either! thank u for explaining it to me

  • Re: Puzzles

    Hey all,

    When I was playing I used the tips you guys provided to solve the puzzle on page 456 and I reached the number 397 as answer. So, I went to that reference and it made sense at first, you know, opening a chest and finding some items, but when I kept playing, I realized that I wasn't in the same quest anymore (green one). Later I realized that reference 397 is part of the blue quest in act 2. So I suppose that 397 is the answer to some puzzle in the blue quest. But I checked my calculations again and I couldn't find any mistake.

    So, please, can someone confirm if my solution is wrong or if there is a continuation problem in the book? Thanks!

  • Re: Puzzles

    That's the wrong answer I'm afraid ;)

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