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497 Posts in 101 Topics by 104 members

Topic: HoF - 401 Puzzle

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  • Re: HoF - 401 Puzzle

    That's it!
    Thank you very much!

  • Re: HoF - 401 Puzzle

    Still not sure how this works. I went for rearranging the numbers and went to 123, which sort of made sense (it was still in the tower) but doesn't seem to be the correct answer.

  • Re: HoF - 401 Puzzle

    This had me really stumped and I used the tips here to solve it so I can't let myself take the reward for my playthrough but to be clear the numbers on the grid represent how many wall lines surround it. You look at the symbols in order with the rule and apply the same rule giving the answer. Man I was trying so many different things. Bright eyes made me think stars so I thought I was stood on the star to start etc. You can also work it so you can have 123 on a line that doesn't overlap. I tried all sorts of things lol!

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