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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: How do you know if your loot card is common, rare or epic?

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  • Re: How do you know if your loot card is common, rare or epic?

    I was asking how many loot cards there were in total for DQ.

    It looks like there are 8 as stated in the reply: 3 common, 3 rare and 2 epics.

    So not a lot to collect as in other games, it would be nice to be able to get them all on their own (rather than buying randoms off ebay with the book ;-))

    Are there any plans to expand on the card list (more of each type) or maybe cards for the special abilities?

  • Re: How do you know if your loot card is common, rare or epic?

    So, I'm guessing 1-3 are common, 4-6 are rare, and 7 & 8 are epics ?

    I've already ordered my 2nd book off Ebay...I hope I get different cards from the 1st book. And I REALLY hope I get an epic in there. The rares are awesome, so the epics must be, er, epic


  • Re: How do you know if your loot card is common, rare or epic?

    Hey guys

    So not a lot to collect as in other games, it would be nice to be able to get them all on their own.

    The loot cards are really just a 'fun' extra for now, rather than being a central component of the book and game. I would love to expand the card idea, but at the moment it is not a viable option, sadly.

    The common, rare and epic label is also a reflection of the card's availability. There are more common than rare, more rare then epic etc.

    Are there any plans to expand on the card list (more of each type) or maybe cards for the special abilities?

    I'm with you a 100% on this idea. If the book takes off (and actually makes me some money... <gulp>) then I will be developing all aspects of the game, with a ton of cool extras. There will certainly be loot cards for the next book, at the very least.

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