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2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: New Player

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  • New Player


    Brand new to Destiny Quest. Bought book 1 about a week ago and played three characters that never made it past act 1. Hard book but really good. I bought book 2 last night and am playing thru it and it's extremely good. I know I've read that book 1 is harder which I don't mind at all, I grew up on 80's video games lol, but I do find book 2 so far to be a bit more fleshed out.

    Regardless, both books are fabulous and I fully intend to buy 3 and 4.

    Great books

  • Re: New Player

    Welcome! I just started playing DestinyQuest, too, and am really enjoying it. Still currently on my first character, in the first section of Book 1. I appreciate the balance of silliness and fantasy, and the mechanics are simpler yet more interesting than other game books I've played.

  • Re: New Player

    Thank you for the kind comments.

    Yes, Legion of Shadow is a weird one for me because I don't feel it is very representative of the series as a whole - and the difficulty is more 'Dark Souls' level of challenge.

    That said, for the Italian edition I made quite a lot of balance changes, which you can find here if interested:

    They certainly help with making better/more balanced hero builds.

    There is also a Kickstarter coming in May for The World Companion, and there will be loot cards specifically designed to 'boost' you through the books. So you might find going back to Legion with one of those might help!

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