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2119 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Great book but

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  • Re: Great book but

    Agreed thats the heart of all gaming is the gameplay. I love all the books and can't wait for the next one.

  • Re: Great book but

    I agree to, and I do imagine the fights, why wouldn't I play a book like this I didn't? What I'm saying is there is just to much rolling... to bad the system, got rid of the enemy's die, and have fewer rolls... ie. roling for initiate, twice, then damage, that's alot of rolling... I don't mind rolling, but the system isn't the greatest... infact I love rolling I play d100 and 4AD.. but I do find the rolling in D100 tedious too, 4AD is more streamlined... but ya, it's the rolling and rolling and rolling if it's like the last few quests, sometimes I have to do them 3 or 4 times... to tedious.

  • Re: Great book but

    It's a LOT easier to play through with a spreadsheet. I stalled in Act 3 from "eraser fatigue" playing manually. I now use a spreadsheet that I designed. Anyone is welcome to copy it:

    Additionally using the loot cards is technically fair game, if you need a boost:

    Personally, I will give a combat three tries. And if I'm close, or I see a reasonable statistical win, I'll take it. If I'm really stuck, and it's a main quest, I'll accept the fail, record the loss, pass on any rewards, and continue the story.

    Last bit of advice for anyone reading. Load up on speed. Combat is win-lose, so if you have a high speed, you'll win more, and get more chance to damage. In my experience, it's unlikely that you'll end up with too much speed, and not enough magic/brawn to punch through armor. And it's nice to have some passives going that wear-down an enemy. This advice may be outdated, as I've only played book 1 & 2, and there's been some balancing in the later books.

  • Re: Great book but

    This is a great resource. Thank you for sharing!

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