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2139 Posts in 319 Topics by 278 members

Topic: Legendary Creatures

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  • Legendary Creatures

    I was just wondering when is a good time to have a go at one of the legendary creatures? I'm still slowly going through act one, but I have no reference points or hints as to how tough the legendary creatures will be.... well, other than the description of them being some of the toughest creatures in the game.
    I guess this means that they are some of the toughest creatures in comparison to the act you are currently playing.

    It all seems a bit mysterious.... which I guess is the point! I want some colour coded creatures to help me decide! haha. Should I assume that they are all red-quest level creatures?
    I'll just have to go for one of them and hope for the best!

  • Re: Legendary Creatures

    The act 1 legends are pretty easy compared to later ones. If you are at blue quest level then I would give mauler and the giant a go. The hardest fight is Zalladel ><

  • Re: Legendary Creatures

    Agreed. Zalladell is the hardest. The other two are a piece of cake. Try and if you die try later. You will learn that tactic in act2 and 3

  • Re: Legendary Creatures

    Malcontent. Still dying...

  • Re: Legendary Creatures

    Malcontent is a good fight. You need massive dps. I would wait till after red quest. Flay is hard too. rewards are better from Mal

  • Re: Legendary Creatures

    Ok I'm gonna play on. I'm itching to complete this thing. laters!!

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