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2156 Posts in 325 Topics by 281 members

Topic: DQ Book IV in stock

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  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    Yes, I'm hoping to sell some copies once they are printed - either through eBay or through Amazon. Not sure when that will be though - hopefully within the next few months.

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    Ok, so is it going to be available in the same way as DQ2 reprint (I bought it at bookdepository) or in a limited run sold by you as your reply suggest?

    Another question: Are the coloured maps going to be inside middle of the book as in DQ1 or as a part of cover page as in DQ3?

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    It'll be available via Amazon and/or eBay - I'll have plenty of copies (once it's printed) so shouldn't be a problem getting hold of one. If demand is greater than my stock, then I'll just order more.

    The colour maps will be in the inside front and back cover (like in DQ3).

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    I am waiting for book with maps in it

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    What is the reason DQ4 uses different font without serifs in comparison to the other books in the series? Regarding the amount of text included it is actually harder to read it than previous books using serifs fonts. As well the new font appears to be more futuristic and does not match that well the "fantasy" genre to my honest opinion.

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    I didn't have too much of a problem with the font - it was the one chosen by the publisher and I was fine with it. Felt easy to read and accessible to me. Obviously it is a smaller font size, because Raiders is a much bigger book and reducing the page extent always helps with costs.

    But I'll take your point on board for the future.

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