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Topic: DQ Book IV in stock

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  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    Have you been to a site named, maintained by Damien Katz? Plenty of gamebooks/cyoa reviews in there. I think it is the most complete archive of gamebooks. I had written a review for The Legion of Shadow back in the day on that site and I also posted that on Amazon. Suddenly remembered this and wanted to share it with you. Here is the full review:

    mray0093's Thoughts:    

    First and foremost, all books in this series are like self-contained epics. They are huge in volume and people looking simultaneously for depth and length in a gamebook would be amply rewarded if they come across the first book in the DestinyQuest series, The Legion of Shadow. The book is divided into three acts, each act complete in itself. There are various quests which are marked on the map according to their difficulty. Boss fights are also there which are a boon for players due to the attractive bonus items made available after the fight is over. The game system is well-structured and the combat rules are pretty smooth. You can travel anywhere you want, explore markets and towns, buy stuff, help NPCs and keep customizing your character with better and still better gear. There is no permadeath. You can start playing again from the point where you died and play the same quest again or choose a different one from the map. Dice determine the outcome here, the randomness of which gets more or less balanced by the game mechanics. Overall, a great game. Do check it out.

    Oh and btw, enjoying the third book greatly. Familiar concepts and worldbuilding, yet totally new and refreshing gameplay. You are Da Boss, literally!!

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    Hi all,

    I was late for kickstarter and just want to ask if there is a way to buy hard-copy of book IV?

    Thank you.

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    @Gamer_solo Thanks for the kind feedback and helping spread the word on the books. Yes I was aware of but wasn't sure if it was still maintained and updated. Will take a look...

    @Aarionn I'm afraid the hardback is no longer available - Megara who produced it (and rather badly if I say so myself...) have now gone out of business. There is only the softback version available now. The bonus quest that featured in the hardback is available on the downloads page of this site, if you are interested.

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    @ Da Boss

    Thank you very much for your answer. I am sorry it all went wrong with the publisher.

    And it kinda make sense to have it in the same format as other books . I am just receiving your first book from, and will purchase other books as I went through the content.I had to tone down my compulsory buying disorder and order all books at once.... sorry

    I see that the book IV will be in two parts. Is that right? Will you make another kickstarter maybe?

    Thank you very much and I hope you are even more successful in the future.


  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    Yes, Raiders of Dune Sea is the first part of a two book story line. If/when I write the next one, then I would probably run a Kickstarter to help with funding and promotion.

  • Re: DQ Book IV in stock

    The second printing of DQ IV: Raiders of Dune Sea should be done in the next week or so - and hopefully be back in stock on most online retail sites shortly after.

    In the mean time, if you are already a fan and you've enjoyed the book, then please pop a review on your respective Amazon site to help spread the word! (Only 1 review of Dune Sea on!)

    Planning will resume on the next book very shortly, and hope to start writing towards the end of this year.

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