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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Kickstarter

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  • Re: Kickstarter

    Yep, there'll be a news update going up this week to coincide with an interview on the Gamebook News website

  • Re: Kickstarter

  • Re: Kickstarter

    So I thought maybe Book 4 (Raiders of the Dune Sea) would be two books that you'd write one after the other, then promote and sell the two as a set on the Kickstarter, instead of releasing one 1,000+ page, 1,500+ section giant gamebook. But now it reads like you'll finish and Kickstart (a Legion of Shadow ability!) the first book, and while we receive and enjoy that, you'll write the second, differently-titled book, which will wrap up the Volume 1 character. Do I have this right?

    If we do get Volume 1, then have to wait to wrap up the character, it will be a little frustrating, but kinda cool if we're left on a big cliffhanger. The wait for Fabled Lands has been much longer, so your readers should be fine.

  • Re: Kickstarter

    I wish I could write them back to back, but I have to support myself financially throughout the writing process, so I simply can't afford to do so. Once Book Four is done, there will be a delay before I start the next one. However, the story won't be left on a frustrating cliffhanger. In many ways, the story will have its own beginning, middle and end - and will feel like a complete adventure... just one that has an extra 'season' promised. So I don't think there will be any feelings of frustration. (I hope!)

  • Re: Kickstarter

    Also, Book Four will probably have the highest replayability of any DQ book to date. It will be impossible to experience all the content in one playthrough, based on your decisions.

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