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2120 Posts in 314 Topics by 275 members

Topic: Kickstarter

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  • Kickstarter

    Hello. Is there news on the kickstarter campaign? I thought it was October?

  • Re: Kickstarter

    Apologies for not having posted an update on the forums. The kickstarter has been delayed as we're trying to put together art assets - namely a cover! As soon as I know more I will post a proper update. I think it will be unlikely that the KS will be running this year now.

  • Re: Kickstarter

    If you click on the "About" tab up top, then go to the bottom of that page, you'll find links to DestinyQuest's Facebook and Twitter accounts. Those have had more up-to-date info about the Kickstarter and the progress on the books (and also news like Book 4 will actually be two books). Though I understand some people have been trying to avoid such social media sites, and I can't really blame them.

  • Re: Kickstarter

    Wow thank you!

    T-Man I try and avoid the most annoying aspects of social media if I can which doesn't help with keeping tabs on such wonderful developments. Two books now? Does that mean we get to carry our hero from one book to the next or will we play different heroes?

    Shame about the delay on the Kickstarter but in some ways I don't mind as I can save up more money to spend when it goes live.

  • Re: Kickstarter

    The same hero will carry across both books.

  • Re: Kickstarter

    Timewarped, in case you haven't checked out DQ's Facebook or Twitter, it's been announced that the Kickstarter kicks off on January 10th.

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