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Topic: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

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  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    This episode of PAGE FLIPPERS featuring DestinyQuest "The Legion of Shadow" we try to help Hal get his lady love back by retrieving her from a lava ravine. Did we sign up for more than we bargained for? Or will Hal be reunited with his boo? Find out in episode 11 "Smoldering Lava of Love".

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    On this extra long episode 12 of PAGE FLIPPERS featuring DestinyQuest "The Legion of Shadow" we encounter dryads, a ranger named "Bern", heal some sick people and we learn a little more about our past... and I make quite a few Star Wars references. We hope you enjoy episode 12 - "Feel the Bern!".

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Hi Doug

    I've been catching up with your series and really enjoying it. Brought back some awesome memories of the first book The shadow terror is a tough one right?

    Here's some advice for your next moves.

    1. Kill the legendary monster in the first part of the map (the assassin guy. can't remember his name). He will give you the assassin career,
    2. How much gold do you have? If you have 200 or more then buy the dagger with venom from the tinker at the tavern. But will sydny part with any of her gold??
    3. Do some of the arena fights. At your level I guess they will mostly be easy and you get lots of gold and cool items. Think there are about 5 or 6 fights in total and you can do about 4 of them at your level. If you die then you know to gear up and come back later!
    4. You could also do the vesuvius legendary. Can't remember what loot he drops but I have a recollection there is something good there. I must dig out my copy again!!

    I hope you make it to act 3. May the dice be good to you

    edit: vesuvius gives flame mantle cloak +2 speed +1 armour and fire aura (1 damage to all opponents a round.)

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    First off, thank you very much for watching and for the advice. We'll definitely take on the legendary monster next then.
    I'll have to check but I think she has 140 gold? The more we play the more I'm realizing how useful that venom ability is so I like the idea of having that ability back.
    I was thinking about returning to the arena, but I wasn't sure if we had "bulked" up enough to take those challengers on.
    I really hope we get to Act 3 as well. Hopefully Sydney keeps rolling hot like the last couple episodes.

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    We're back after our holiday break! This episode we take typhoon's advise and go back and battle some fighters back in town, earn some money and buy a dagger that will give us the "venom" ability. Will we accomplish our goals or will we get stomped on inside the arena? Watch and find out!
    Episode 13 "In it for the Money" -
    I worked some post production (about 3 hours of work) on this video instead of just streaming and posting it. Let me know if it was worth the effort!

  • Re: Destiny Quest Legion of Shadow YouTube series

    Appreciate the mention

    I'm glad you swelled your gold coffers and got the venom dagger. Now you can wreak some havoc! As someone commented on the video the assassin dude is at 313. I think he should be easy for you now. The assassin career boosts your venom damage and will replace your first cut with the better first strike ability.

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